Results For Category: "Latest WOD"

Thursday, July 21

[wod date=”2016-7-21″] The weight for this workout is intended to be moderately heavy for the majority. We will take some time in…

Wednesday, July 20

[wod date=”2016-7-20″] Six rounds may seem like a long time to maintain a relatively high intensity across all the movements. Use the…

Tuesday, July 19

For the 1RM, the thruster can be taken from a rack. For Part 2, the thruster needs to be taken from the…

Monday, July 18

1 Shuttle = 1 x 20m Shuttle (touch the ground). So 5 x there and back = 10 Shuttle Runs. The actual…

Friday, July 15

This may be one of those workouts that you will need to take a rest day after! The Shoulders are definitely going…

Thursday, July 14

Heavy Day! There is also an optional, feisty little finisher at the end of the workout if you have time or want…

Wednesday, July 13

The box jumps are pretty high on this one, which is ok! The eight reps will take the longest out of the…

Tuesday, July 12

The weight is set as moderate today for the Power Snatch and Overhead Squat. You will most likely be able to do…

Monday, July 11

For most people, this workout will be more about strength endurance than cardiorespiratory capacity. You will probably fail due to muscular fatigue before you…

Friday, July 8

Score is total double unders + total situps This workout relies heavily on you pushing yourself to get a good stimulus. If…