What Is Beyond RXD All About?

Who is the Beyond RXD Program for?

Athletes  who want to build volume, maximal strength, and higher level skills more than they would in their normal classes alone. These athletes also take training seriously and keep a log book of all their numbers (which really is the best tool for quickly identifying retrograde performance).

What’s the approach or philosophy of this program?

We know that certain skills and movements are tested every year, and developing specific capacity in those movements should be a focus for anyone who wants to do well in WODs/competitions. So let’s get specific here.

Olympic Weightlifting: Snatch (Full, Hang, Power) Clean (Full, Hang, Power) Jerk

Squat (Back, Front, Overhead) Deadlift
Press (Strict, Push, Bench) Lunge (Back, Front, Overhead) Thruster

Handstand (Push Up, Walk) Muscle Up (Ring, Bar)
Ring Dip
Chest to Bar Pull Up
Toes to Bar
GHD Sit Up
Box Jumps

And the favorites:
Assault Bike
Double/Triple Unders

This program makes sure you’re doing these movements more frequently (in combination with the RXD workouts). The time domains in which athletes are tested are also taken into account. Frequently tested time domains range from 7-15 minutes. Rarely are athletes asked to go longer than 20 minutes, and anything shorter than 5 minutes is usually a maximum lift style of event. This program will prioritize those time domains in which athletes are most often tasked.

Are there rest days?

Yes! Recovery is crucial to fitness and strength gains! Remember – increasing volume is useless if done at half-effort. As the saying goes — “With 80% effort, you get 80% of the results.” Proper recovery ensures that an athlete can give 100% effort to each day of training. Excessive training without adequate time for recovery is not a way to get fit — it’s a way to get hurt.

The Beyond RXD Program comes with 5 days of supplementary workouts per week, which means there are 2 intentional rest days, every Thursday and Sunday. And yes, a “rest day” means athletes also must skip that day’s  RXD workout. Rest means REST! If you cannot follow the calendar exactly, just make sure that your schedule has no more than 3 training days in a row.

How many hours a day does this training require?

Each training day, you will be given an additional 30-60 min of training volume to be performed before or after a regular class workout (and sometimes both). So in total, you will train 90-120 minutes a day, 5 days a week.