Tuesday, August 30

[wod date=”2016-8-30″]

Pull/Push EMOM style. The Moderately heavy KB Swings should get the heart rate going, making it a little harder to get through the Dips on the next minute.With a total of 6 rounds for each movement it is a lot of volume to get done in 12 min, which is what makes it such a great workout!

Ideally, you should be getting through the movements with 10sec+/- Rest at the end to allow for getting back to equipment, taking a breathe and going again. This means that you should shoot for doing all the Swings unbroken. The Ring Dips will probably need to be broken up by most people, but as long as you can jump back up after a quick rest, you should be able to get them done.

Beyond RXD


As many reps as possible in 7 minutes:
25 Double unders
5 Burpee bar muscle ups

NOTE: Goal is to get 7 rounds, which will be challenging at a 1 minute per round pace. If necessary, perform burpee chest to bar pull ups as the scale for today, but keep it at 5 reps.


10 minutes of handstand walking practice

NOTE: Spend 10 minutes practicing being upside down. Get creative and set up a course or use an agility ladder. Have some fun with it!