Tuesday, August 2

[wod date=”2016-8-2″]

Heavy day with a twist! We love this workout because it combines lifting heavy with multiple lifts using a built in rest, giving it a metcon-ish feel.

All lifts and rounds should be as HEAVY as you can lift with good technique. Each movement needs to be done unbroken for the given reps. You can add a little weight each round, OR you can start off with what you think you can complete for all 4 rounds and aim to hold it.

Beyond RXD


Back Squat
7×1 (pause)

NOTE: Build to a heavy single with a 3 second pause in the bottom, across seven sets.


8 Rounds for time:
15 calorie Assault bike
15 Wallball

NOTE: Goal is to finish the work in under 16 minutes. 15 unbroken wallball is the goal each time. If that is easy for you, consider using a (20/14lb) med ball to increase the challenge. There will be a 20 minute time cap if it takes longer than expected.