3 Rounds
500m Row Hard – 250m Row easy
250m Row Hard – 250m Row easy
100m Row Hard – 250m Row easy
Rest 2min
3 Rounds
500m Row Hard – 250m Row easy
250m Row Hard – 250m Row easy
100m Row Hard – 250m Row easy
Rest 2min
We programmed this workout roughly a year ago. If you were lucky enough to have done it then, now you are extra lucky to be able to re-do it and hopefully have everyone row a little faster. It is spicy!
Score total time, including row and rest periods. Record times for the 500m, 500m and 100m for each round so you can pace each round off of the first one.
WOD Goal
Aim to be as consistent with pace as possible. You will feel really fresh for the first round, so don’t go too hard during this time. This is a great workout to figure out and practise pacing for when you are fresh vs fatigued.
Beyond RXD