Zombie vs Human
Min 1: Zombie performs AMRAP Chest to Pullups while the Human watches.
Min 2: Zombie tries to catch Human in 100m Sprint.
Min 3-5: Human performs 10 Burpees if they are caught, otherwise both rest.
Switch — Zombie becomes Human and Human becomes Zombie.
Repeat with:
Jumping Lunges (reps)
Rowing (meters)
Zombie vs Human
Min 1: Zombie performs AMRAP Ring Rows while the Human watches.
Min 2: Zombie tries to catch Human in 100m Sprint.
Min 3-5: Human performs 10 Burpees if they are caught, otherwise both rest.
Switch — Zombie becomes Human and Human becomes Zombie.
Repeat with:
Lunges (reps)
Rowing (meters)
Last day of EMOM Mondays! We have kind of stretched the envelope with this being a true EMOM, but it’s Halloween, so we decided to turn up the fun notch a little!
To clarify how the Workout works: Partner 1 (Zombie) performs as many Pullups as possible in the first minute, while Partner 2 (Human) waits. As soon as the minute is done, they both run 100m as fast as possible. The Human will have the advantage because they are fresh and they were waiting at the door for the minute to end. This will mean the Zombie will need to run a little harder to catch them. IF they catch them (finish the run first), then when the third minute begins the Human performs the 10 Burpees they owe while the Zombie rests. If they don’t catch them, then both people rest until the 5min mark. You then switch positions and Partner 2 now becomes the Zombie and performs the Pullups, while Partner 1 is the Human and waits until the minute is up and then you repeat the whole running part again.
The next round is repeated with Jumping Lunges and the third round is repeated with Rowing. So basically, every 5min a new round starts and every 10min a new movement starts. There will be a total of 6 x 100m Sprints performed for each Person.
Beyond RXD
Back Squat
NOTE: Build to a heavy 3 and hold the same weight across the 5 working sets.
For Quality:
10 Rope Climbs (Legless)
NOTE: To add difficulty to the rope climbs, start and finish from a seated position. If this will be your first attempts at the Peg board, only go up halfway for each rep.