Monday, December 19

AMRAP KB Swing (24/16kgs) for remaining 4min
10 Burpee
20 Deadlifts (135/95lbs)
30 Double Unders

AMRAP Burpees for remaining 4min
10 Deadlift
20 KB Swings
30 Double Unders

AMRAP Deadlifts for remaining 4min
10 Burpee
20 KB Swings
30 Double Unders

AMRAP KB Swing for remaining 4min
10 Burpee
20 Deadlifts
30 Fast Feet

AMRAP Burpees for remaining 4min
10 Deadlift
20 KB Swings
30 Fast Feet

AMRAP Deadlifts for remaining 4min
10 Burpee
20 KB Swings
30 Fast Feet

The Workout is essentially 3 rounds of 4min of work. However, there is no rest in between those 4min rounds. Once you have completed the required reps of the three movements, you then perform as many reps as possible of the given movement (Round 1: KB Swing, Round 2: Burpee, Round 3: Deadlifts) in the time that is remaining of 4min. Once that 4min is up, you go straight into the next round of work.


Total reps for all three movements. Add KB Swing reps, Burpees and Deadlifts all together for one score.

WOD Goal

You should try to get through each triplet as fast as you can so you have as much time as possible to accumulate reps of each movement. Most people should have at least 2min left after they are done performing the triplet. You should aim for around/or over 20 reps of each movement. Burpees may be a little less and Deadlifts a little more on average. The Double Unders will fatigue you a little going in to your max reps, but it shouldn’t be enough to make you need to break your movements up too much within those last few minutes.

Beyond RXD


Back Squat
1 x 20 reps

NOTE: Warm up to a heavy set of 10 (not 10RM!) on the back squat. Then, try for one unbroken set of 20 reps at that weight. This is one of the best ways to build mental toughness, so commit to it and grind it out!


3 rounds for quality:
15 Good mornings
15 Strict toes to bar

NOTE: Looking for good quality movement here. Keep those good mornings relatively light.