[wod date=”2016-8-15″]
Shoulders get a little break today (other than stabilising :-)). Running with objects can be pretty awkward, there is no real comfortable way to hold a plate. We will play around with a light plate in the warmup to see what works for you. Everyone is different! We put the regular 400m back-to-back (after the first round) with the Plate Run because it is really mentally challenging to go from running with nothing to picking up an object and running with it. This is. Run extra hard during the regular 400m’s so that if you lose any time with the plate carry, it won’t slow down your overall time as much.
Beyond RXD
7 Rounds for time:
10 Sumo deadlift high pull (95/65)
10 Ring dips
NOTE: Goal is to get through as many rounds unbroken as you can. If you are unable to complete 10 unbroken ring dips to start, do 5 each round.
50 Strict Handstand push ups
NOTE: These will be harder than you think after the ring dips. 10 minute time cap.