3 Rounds
Run 400m
15 GHD Situps
Run 400m
Rest 5min
3 Rounds
Run 400m
15 Anchored Situps
Run 200m
Rest 5min
This is really a running Workout in disguise. Or not so much in disguise. Depends how you look at it. Running when all you have to do is run is one thing, but running right after a bunch of dynamic hip movements is another. This is a little test to see how you do when you start to fatigue.
Ideally you want you to be consistent across all three rounds. Can you maintain the same pace???
Beyond RXD
NOTE: Build to a heavy 3 and hold the same weight across the 5 working sets
Every 30s for 10 minutes:
2 false grip pull ups, 1 strict muscle up, 2 ring dips
NOTE: This is to be done without letting go of the rings. Consider doing one rep every minute if you are still developing the strict muscle up.
For quality:
25 Hip extensions
25 Back extensions
25 Hip & back extensions
NOTE: Goal is to be able to complete this series of movements by doing each section of 25 reps unbroken. If done correctly, it is much harder than it looks. If you need to break the sets, then complete the reps however you can.