Friday, December 16

CrossFit Total
1RM Back Squat
1RM Deadlift
1RM Press

CrossFit Total
1RM Back Squat
1RM Deadlift
1RM Press

CrossFit Total day! Check back from March 7th, if you were around then, to see how you did then versus now. Getting the Total done in 1 hour has always been really challenging for us as Coaches. We’re going to warm you up fast and then straight into drilling the movements.


The total of your best three lifts for the Squat, Deadlift and Press (Add them all together).

WOD Goal

To lift as heavy as possible in the timeframe given for each lift. If you don’t get your true 1RM for each lift, remember that it is the Total and not a single movement testing day. It is all about what you can do with the three lifts combined.

Beyond RXD

5 rounds for time:
20/15 cal Assault bike
10 Push Jerk (185/125)

NOTE: Goal is to finish the first section under 10 minutes and the second section under 5 minutes. Most of the rounds for both the push jerk and the hspu should be done unbroken, so scale the weight or kip the hspu if needed to try and finish under the goal times for each effort.