Thursday, August 17th

Skill Work: Athletes have their choice. Spend 5:00 getting ready and then complete in an alternating fashion.
Metcon: This is a great piece to workout on rowing technique and staying consistent with technique and splits. This should NOT be a sprint. Going UB with wallballs is a great goal, but not 100% needed if it will take away from rowing intervals. The 60s rest is just enough to sustain 75-85% of max effort.

ODD Minutes: 40s of Work of bike, row, running.
EVEN Minutes: 40s of Double Unders.

5 Rounds for total time:
15 Wallballs (20,14)
Row 500 Meters
Rest 1:00 between rounds
L2: (14, 10)
L1: (400m Row) (10, 8)
25:00 Cap
*Score = total time including rest