Results For Category: "General"

Thursday, July 28

[wod date=”2016-7-28″] The Farmers Carry is not intended to be very heavy. You should be able to perform the 100m each round…

Wednesday, July 27

[wod date=”2016-7-27″] This is a fun one! It is a lot of reps so the total weight you are going to use…

Tuesday, July 26

[wod date=”2016-7-26″] Sometimes workouts like this can be a little discouraging for those of you  who don’t have muscle ups. If it…

Pork Tenderloin with Jalapeño Cherry Salsa

Ingredients: 3/4 cup chopped cilantro 1/2 cup minced shallots 3 large limes/6 tbsp lime juice 1/4 cup coconut oil 2lbs pork tenderloins…

Monday, July 25

[wod date=”2016-7-25″] You will need to spend a little bit of time working up to their heavy set of 3 starting weight…

2016 Arsenal Games: WOD #3

Mini Murph For Time 800m Plate Carry (45/25) 50 Pullups 100 Pushups 150 Air Squats 800m Plate Carry (45/25) *Plate carries must…

2016 Arsenal Games: WOD #3

Mini Murph For Time 800m Plate Carry (45/25) 50 Pullups 100 Pushups 150 Air Squats 800m Plate Carry (45/25) *Plate carries must…

Friday, July 22

[wod date=”2016-7-24″] For the ball slams, use a load that you can cycle each round unbroken. For the Ring Pushups, get your…

Thursday, July 21

[wod date=”2016-7-21″] The weight for this workout is intended to be moderately heavy for the majority. We will take some time in…

Coaches Corner: Rowing for Calories

On this weeks WTW Coach Tommy drops some knowledge bombs on how to get the most bang for your buck while rowing…