80 Double Unders
40 OH Squat (115/75lbs)
80 Slam Ball (20/10lbs)
40 OH Squat
80 Double Unders
80 Single Unders
30 OH Squat
60 Slam Ball
30 OH Squat
80 Double Unders
Lots of Double Unders today, specifically for those folk who have some trouble with them. We’ll give you a good way to scale so that you get some practise in but also get through the workout under the time cap.
Time to complete the Workout.
WOD Goal
The rep scheme is slightly higher (80 more reps) for the Rxd category. Top athletes will be able to get it done under or around 20min. That doesn’t leave a lot of time for rest though! So, you will need to be smart about your pacing.
Beyond RXD
Deadlift (315/225)
NOTE:Score will be the total number of reps you can accumulate over all 8 intervals. Can you beat 50?
Rest 4 minutes
Front squat (95/65)
NOTE:Score here is the lowest number of reps you get on any given round. A great score is 10. Compare score to 11/22/2016.