Push your pace today. This one will go quick so athletes need to move through cleans fast. Cleans should be moderate weight and capable of being done touch n go or fast singles.
1) Front Box Squat: 5 x 5 @55-65%, every 60s.
– +5% from last week
2) Power Clean: 5 x 3 @75%, every 90s.
– +5% from last week
2 RFT:
25 Power Cleans (115, 75)
25 Bar Facing Burpees
L3: (95, 65)
L2: (75, 55)
L1: (65, 35) (Regular Burpees)
Alternate Movement:
– Power Cleans: Clean Grip Deadlifts, moderate weight.
Extra Credit
Glute Bridges 1×50