Hope everyone’s shoulders are ready to go! Being effecient on your rope climbs will be critical. The double unders are your rest during this one so make the most of them!
Rx Plus
12 minutes to establish:
Shoulder Press, heavy triple
–Five minute Rest–
Six rounds for time:
3x Rope Climb
10x Push Jerk @ 155/105-lbs.
30x Double Under
12 minutes to establish
Shoulder Press, heavy triple
–Five minute Rest–
Six rounds for time:
1x Rope Climb
10x Push Jerk @ 135/95-lbs.
20x Double Unders
12 minutes to establish
Shoulder Press, heavy triple
–Five minute Rest–
Six rounds for time:
1x Lay To Stand Rope Climb
10x Push Jerk @ 95/65-lbs.
40x Single Unders`