EMOM for 0-4min Perform
8 T2B + 8 Hang Power Snatch (65/45lbs)
EMOM for 4-8min Perform
8 Hang Power Snatch + 20 Lateral Over the Bar Jumps
EMOM for 8-12min Perform
20 Lateral Over the Bar Jumps + 8 Toes to Bar
EMOM for 0-4min Perform
8 Lying T2B + 8 Hang Power Snatch
EMOM for 4-8min Perform
8 Hang Power Snatch + 16 Lateral Plate Jumps
EMOM for 8-12min Perform
16 Lateral Plate Jumps + 8 Lying Toes to Bar
The Workout is 12min of work with the couplet changing every 4min. So, for minute 0, 1, 2 and 3 you perform 8 T2B and 8 Hang Power Snatch (within each of those minutes). Then for minutes 4, 5, 6 and 7 you perform 8 Hang Power Snatch + 20 Lateral Over the Bar Jumps (within each of those minutes) and so on until you have been working for 12min.
Score load only. If people modify reps, then record that too.
WOD Goal
These numbers will also get a little hard for most people to hold. It’s important to make quick transitions so you don’t lose too much time there. Scale load first, although most people will be able to do all 8 unbroken with this load. Scale Toes to Bar reps second. 6 at the least. Each set should be able to be done unbroken, or at the least done with very minimal rest between reps. If you still think you will have an issue with getting it all done, scale the movement to 10 Knee Raises with a kip or Lying Toes to Bar instead.
Beyond RXD
For time:
Assault bike (calories)
Ski erg (calories)
Row (calories)
NOTE: Goal is to finish in under 25 minutes. If you do not have access to a ski erg substitute in 200-150-100 double unders.