3 Rounds
Sprint 200m
Rest 2min
2 Rounds
Sprint 400m
Rest 3min
1 Round
Sprint 800m
3 Rounds
Sprint 200m
Rest 2min
2 Rounds
Sprint 400m
Rest 3min
1 Round
Sprint 800m
Sprinting Workout today! Notice we wrote ‘Sprinting’ and not ‘Running.’ ? We really do want people to Sprint, or run as hard as they can for each effort, because no one can really sprint 800m! The work to rest ratio is double, so you should get good recovery between each effort. The total Running volume is 2.2km. It isn’t a huge amount, but it’s enough. Today is about quality over quantity!
Beyond RXD
2 rounds for individual times:
100 double unders
30 Thrusters (115/75)
3 legless rope climbs (15ft.)
– Rest 3 minutes –
NOTE: Goal is to finish each round in under 3 minutes (under 2:30 if you are really moving!). With limited rest, will you be able to match your first round time?