Part 1:
Work up to heaviest 50m One Arm OH DB Carry
Part 2:
4 Rounds
18 Air Squats
9 Front Squats (75/45lbs)
50m One Arm OH DB Carry
Part 1:
Work up to heaviest 50m One Arm OH DB Carry
Part 2:
4 Rounds
15 Air Squats
7 Front Squats
50m One Arm OH DB Carry
Part 1: For everyone, the challenge of the OH Carry is keep that Shoulder/Arm in the same tight static position throughout the whole Walk. This will be really hard for a lot of people and some of you won’t be able to perform the same load on both sides!
Part 2: The goal should be to take no longer than 90sec-2min per round. We want you to use one DB weight below (5-10lbs) your Max for the OH Carry. You can choose how you want to split up the use of your Arms. You can do 25m one arm and 25m the other. Or, you can do one whole round (50m) with the same arm and then switch on the next round. Some folks may need to scale right down to a light plate.
For everyone, the load on the Front Squat should feel light for 9 reps each round. You should be able to rep them out without pausing.
Beyond RXD
Back Squat
NOTE: Build to a heavy single rep for the day. Go for a new 1RM if the weight is moving fast and feeling light!
For time:
100 Wallball (20/14)
50 Toes to bar
50 Wall ball (20/14)
25 Toes to bar
NOTE: Goal is to finish in under 10 minutes or faster. Try to hit those wallballs unbroken as the toes to bar will break down with fatigue and slow you down.