This may be a new lift for some people. We use it a bunch in warmups, but not a lot as a strength movement. It is a great tool for glute/hamstring/lower Back activation. Similar to the Deadlift, but because the load is on your back rather than pulling it off the ground, the demands are a little greater through the midline and legs. You will figure this out pretty quickly when you start adding a little bit of load.
Ideally, we want you to get your body as close to parallel to the ground as possible and as rigid as possible. Most people will need to bend their knees to achieve that position. Your body position will start to change as you add weight.
[wod date=”2016-6-28″]
Beyond RXD
Front squat
NOTE: Build to a heavy triple for the day
Rest 10 minutes
Every 2 minutes for 7 rounds:
7 power snatch (135/95)
7 chest to bar pull ups
7 burpee over bar (facing)
NOTE: Goal is to have as little working time as possible. Sprint the round, rest until 2 minute mark.