Perform 4 sets (20sec-on/10sec-off) of Tabata Air Squats straight into 4 sets of Squat Hold and so on for a total of 24 Tabata Sets (3 Full Tabata Rounds). There is no rest in between movements.
Score = Squats total reps + Ring Dip total reps + Hip Extension/Good Morning total reps.
[wod date=”2016-7-5″]
Beyond RXD
Back Squat
NOTE: Build to a heavy triple and hold that weight across for 5 working sets.
3 Rounds for time:
21 calorie Assault bike
7 Power cleans (205/145)
-Rest 4 minutes-
3 Rounds for time:
15 calorie Assault bike
5 Push Jerks (205/145)
NOTE: Goal is to hit all the barbell movements unbroken, so scale the weight if necessary. Time cap is 8 minutes for both sections. In the second piece, the goal is to beat the time from the first piece, so no sand-bagging that first one! You’re only cheating yourself…..