With a new year upon us, I consistently hear the goals of pull-ups, handstand push-ups, muscle-ups, etc. We also know that the open tends to lean towards a lot of these movements as well. Whether you are looking to complete your first pull-up/handstand push-up or learn to do butterfly pull-ups and bar muscle-ups, there is no better time than now to cross those items off your goal list!
Here are the full details of the two sessions that will be available! Both sessions are limited to 4 people! First come, first serve—Email [email protected] to reserve your spot.
PRICE- $160/person
Session 1 (Beginner Course)
February 9th-March 6th
Tuesdays @ 6:30pm-7:15pm, Saturdays @ 9-9:45am
What you can expect to learn:
-Better positioning being inverted from a pike, headstand, and handstand.
-Accessory and Mobility work that will not only improve your pressing but keep your shoulders healthier long-term.
-How to maximize your tension through your entire body.
-Perfecting the Kip
-Pull-up strength + accessory work
-Lots of core, lat, and shoulder accessory that makes everything better ????
Session 2 (Advanced)
February 11th-March 6th
Thursdays 6:30-7:15pm, Saturdays 10-10:45am
What you can expect to learn:
-Better positioning in your Superman and Hollow Arch.
-Ability to keep tension through your body while moving through space.
-Tips and Tricks to improve efficiency with HSPU, T2B, Pull-ups, C2B
-The technique required to perform Bar Muscle-Ups and Butterfly Pull-ups.
-Lots of core, lat, and shoulder accessory that makes everything better ????
-5+ Kipping Pull-ups
-5+ T2B
-3+ HSPU