Starting this week we will begin to post three versions of each workout: Beyond RX, RX, and Fitness. Coaches will help you guys choose which level is best for you during class.
Today is all about mechanics. The moment that technique begins to breakdown on any of the lifts, proceed to the next movement (even if the lift was completed). Regardless of what level you choose to perform the workout at (Beyond Rx, RX, Fitness), the goal is to Snatch, Clean, and Deadlift the heaviest load possible.
Beyond RX
Every minute on the minute, for as long as possible, upon failure, proceed to the next movement:
Begin at 45/35-lbs and increase the weights 10-lbs per minute.
Every minute on the minute, for as long as possible, upon failure, proceed to the next movement:
Hang Snatch
Hang Clean
Begin at 45/35-lbs and increase the weights 10-lbs per minute.
Every minute on the minute, for as long as possible, upon failure, proceed to the next movement:
Hang Power Snatch
Hang Power Clean
Begin at 45/35-lbs and increase the weights 10-lbs per minute.