Getting four hours of sleep or less?

My wife and I recently brought home our firstborn from the hospital. People aren’t kidding when they tell you life changes with kids (all for the better). 

Before our daughter arriving, I was a great sleeper. I could count on getting anywhere between 8-9 hours every night and know that I would wake up the next feeling refreshed and ready to go. 

Finding time for that kind of sleep has not been possible in recent weeks and probably won’t be for quite some time. After night one, I quickly realized I would need to put additional emphasis on other areas of my health and fitness to help mitigate the negative effects that a poor night’s sleep can have on the body and mind. 


Your body runs better when you are drinking enough water. Making sure you are adequately hydrated helps increase energy levels and improve brain function (both needed when you’re not sleeping much), aid in weight loss, and help with nutrient absorption. 

Aim to drink one gallon of water each day. Mixing that water with non-sugary electrolyte tablets can help maximize the benefits listed above. 


While sugar may give us a quick burst of energy, it can also cause our bodies to crash shortly after digestion. When we aren’t getting much sleep, we need to do what we can to sustain consistent energy levels throughout the day. Choosing fruit and complex carbs will keep you moving and productive without having to worry about crashes. 

Sugar’s effect on sleep: Eating too much sugar can negatively affect your bedtime and pull you out of a deep sleep leaving you feeling exhausted the next day. If your sleep is already limited, it’s essential to do what you can to keep the quality high.


When we are tired, the last thing we want to do is move our bodies or workout, but that’s a mistake. Just 30-minutes of movement each day can release endorphins that will improve your mood and increase your energy levels. 

The best way to stick to an exercise routine is to hire a coach or find a group to hold you accountable. Bonus – working out will also help you get a better night’s sleep, leaving you refreshed and energized in the morning. 

We can’t always control the amount of sleep we get, but we can control the factors that help mitigate a poor night’s sleep’s negative effects. 

If you need help finding your routine, starting a workout program, or dialing in your nutrition, I can help. 

Click here to schedule a 30-minute No Sweat Intro.