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In Partners:
10 KB Swings (32/24kgs)
10 V-ups
Perform in an ‘I go, you go’ fashion
1 Round
20 Total Rounds (10 rounds each)
In Partners:
10 KB Swings
10 Situps
Perform in an ‘I go, you go’ fashion
1 Round
20 Total Rounds (10 rounds each)
Each Partner does one round and then switches, which means that both teammates do the same amount of work. The KB Swings are a little heavier than usual, but the reps are low enough that some teams will be able to race through the rounds relatively quickly.
Time to complete Workout.
WOD Goal
The goal is to get through the 20 rounds as fast as possible.
Beyond RXD
Rowing Intervals
Row 1:40 – rest :20 x9
NOTE: This is a pre-programmed workout on the rower. Go to “select workout” and click on v1:40/r:20. Each interval will be 1:40 of work with a :20 second rest. There is a 2 minute break after the 5th interval. Goal is to get 450m for men and 400m for women on each interval.