Wednesday, August 30th

Strength: 5 sets with ascending weights of paused Floor Press.
Metcon: Repeat benchmark workout from Month 2. Pacing is key with this piece. Come up with a strategy before starting and don’t allow yourself to come close to failure with any of the pressing movements especially considering this pieces gets harder towards the end.

5×5 Floor Press
Ascending weight.

For time:
50 Wallballs (20, 14)
25 S20H (135, 95)
50 Box Jumps Overs (24, 20)
25 Wallballs
50 T2B
25 Ring Dips
50 Wallballs

L3: (115, 75) (Bar Dips)
L2: (14, 10) (95, 65) (20, 15) (Knee Lifts) (Box Push-ups)
L1: (10, 8) (65, 35) (20, 15 Step-ups) (Knee lifts) (Box Push-ups)
25:00 Cap

*Compare to Wednesday, May 31st