Tuesday, October 24th

Tuesday, October 24

Skill: Week 3 of gymnastics skill work, but with directed focus today. We will focus on these same movements again next week. This will be done before the metcon and should not interfere with peoples running ability for the conditioning.
Metcon: On paper this workout does not look too hard as for most there will be 2:00 or more of rest, however, this workout is much more challenging than it appears. Athletes should try to push their pace, but only to a level they can sustain for all 5 sets. This is a benchmark workout and will be repeated. Athletes should scale if they have less than 2:00 rest to a distance that will satisfy that requirement.

Gymnastics Skill + Gymnastics Hold (We will spend time time learning/working on the kip)
EMOM 10:
ODD: 20s Kipping
Adv: Pull-ups, C2B, Butterfly pull-ups, T2B
EVEN: 20s of L-Sit or L-Hold
Adv: HS Walking

“Mono Wow”
Every 4:00 x 5 Sets:
Run 400 Meters Shuttle Style
(100 Intervals)
Score = Slowest Split