This workout will get incredibly challenging after the first 10:00 has elasped. Like most of the EMOMs we’ve performed up until this point, don’t give in to the mental side of pieces like this. Pick a sustainable pace and try to hold on to it. Athletes should have roughly 20s of rest, but if needed they can skip a round.
EMOM 20:
ODD Minutes: 10/8 Calorie Row
EVEN Minutes: 10 Burpees
Rx+:(12/10 Calorie Row) (12 Burpees)
L2: (40s of Work each set)
L1: (30s of Work each set)
3 Rounds of:
1a) Supinated Grip BB Rows x 10. Rest 30s.
1b) L-Sit x 20s. Rest 30s.