Skill: Gymnastics skill work today. Follow all instructions above as there are plenty of options for you today. This is also a great opportunity to get some basic cues to help improve positions which will transfer to other movements.
Metcon: Hero workout “Griff”. This workout does not look hard on paper, but running backwards is skill most of us don’t train which will make it deceiving. There is a 20:00 time cap, but because this is a hero workout you can forgo the time cap if you choose.
Gymnastics EMOM
*Pick two gymnastics skills. Spend 5:00 prepare then another 10:00 of running the clock performing in EMOM fashion.
– Handstands (holds, walking, freestanding)
– Hollow Holds or Rocks
– Pistols – Pull-ups (kipping or butterfly)
– Muscle-ups (ring and bar)
– T2B
– Kipping
EMOM 10:
ODD Minutes: 30s Practice
EVEN Minutes: 30s Practice
For time:
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards
20:00 Cap