Thursday, November 30th
Skill: Decide on one olympic lifitng movement or variation that you want to spend time on today improving. Keep loads light (less than 60%) to ensure technique is taking precedence. If done last week perform the same movement unless you feel your technique is where it needs to be.
Metcon: Each set should be capable of being done UB and each round should be close in splits.
Oly Skill Work
*Pick 1 Movement and Spend 15 minutes working on it.
5 RFT:
10 Goblet Squats (53, 35)
10 T2B
10 Wallballs (20, 14)
10 Calorie Row
L2: (45, 25) (Knee lifts) (14, 10)
L1: (35, 25) (Knee Lifts) (10, 8)
15:00 Cap