[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”]
2min Handstand Walking
2min Handstand Hold
200m Suitcase Carry (70/53)
2min Ring Pushup
2min Ring Plank Hold
200m Suitcase Carry (70/53)
2min Plank Get Down/Get Ups
2min Plank Hold
200m Suitcase Carry
2min Pushup
2min Plank Hold
200m Suitcase Carry
The standard for the Ring Pushup is that the body should be as parallel to the ground as possible, which means setting the rings just above the ground. Your biceps should clearly touch the rings in the bottom position.
For the Ring Plank Hold, it is the same position as a regular Plank, except you hold onto the Rings.
Total Time – Handstand Walk (m) + Ring Pushup (reps)
*Each metre and rep = 1sec.
Fitness: Total Time – Plank Get down/up reps + Pushup reps.
WOD Goal
We want everyone to challenge themselves with some sort of Handstand variation. This means either giving it a shot, or using a modification that is really hard for you. Ideally, the holds should be done unbroken, or with no more than one break.
Beyond RXD