Strength: The intent with strength work this week is the same as last week except we are NOT using a band this week. Athletes will perform all 6 “work” sets @75% or a moderately heavy weight touch n go style. We are still working force production with submaximal loading. These may feel much easier since performing last week with a band.
Metcon: Repeat benchmark workout that as a fair amount leg volume. Break up wallballs from the start into two sets to manage fatique. This workout is easy to go out too fast and die in the last 2 rounds. OHS should be capable of being done UB. The intent with this piece is managing fatigue and stay proficient with OHS/Wallball positioning while your heart-rate is elevated. Adv. athletes should shoot for sub 14:00.
1) Speed Deadlift Touch N Go: 6 x 3 @75%. Rest 2:00.
– Take 3-4 sets and build to 75% by perform sets of 3.
2) Seated Box Jumps: 5 x 4. Rest 60s.
– Use the same height you used last week.
“Tunnel Vision”
4 RFT:
21 Wallballs (20, 14)
15 Lateral Burpees over the Bar
9 OHS (135, 95)
L3: (115, 75)
L2: (95, 65) (14, 10)
L1: (75, 55) (10, 8)
20:00 Cap