Friday, March 30th

Friday, March 30th

Strength: 9-speed sets of Floor Press changing your grip every 3 sets from close, medium, and wide grip. All sets should be explosive so if you’re “grinding” any of the reps you’re missing the boat. Drop the load and move faster. The purpose with all speed work is developing force. This will apply to many other things we do in CrossFit.
Metcon: Today we are looking for maintaining all of our row intervals around 70-75% effort. BB Rows should be able to be completed in 2 sets or less. Don’t push harder than 75% today and focus on efficient pacing.

Speed Floor Press: 9 x 3 @50%, every 60s.
– Change Grip every 3 sets ie. close, medium, and wide grip.

Run 200 Meters
Overhead KB Carry x 100 Ft. (44, 26)
10 Barbell Rows (135, 95)

Rx+:(53, 35 for OH Carry)
L3: (115, 80)
L2: (95, 65)
L1: (75, 55)
*Athlete choice on Overhead KB Carry weight if scaling