Strength: Hang Power Snatches should be a moderate load for those comfortable with the movement. For those that are not, work technique with light loads.
Metcon: Try to complete KBS/Push Press in as few sets as possible. For advanced athletes they should shoot for UB sets, and intermediate athletes UB on KBS but 2 sets for push press. Recover on your burpees by getting a full-exale on the floor.
Hang Power Snatch Below the Knee for load:
#1: 3 reps
#2: 3 reps
#3: 3 reps
#4: 3 reps
#5: 3 reps
Hang Power Snatch below Knee: 5 x 3 @70%. Rest 90s.
For time:
KBS (53, 35)
Push Press (135, 95)
L3: (115, 75)
L2: (45, 25) (95, 65)
L1: (35, 25 Russian Swings) (65, 35)
10:00 Cap