Tuesday, February 13th

Tuesday, February 13th

Skill: Today (and next week) we are specifically focusing on Open WOD gymnastics Skill. This session should be 100% skill development and not tear you up.
Metcon: Partner up today and come up with a strategy to go through this work in the shortest possible time. Effort should be around 80%.

Gymnastics Skill
Choose between one movement that will show up in this years open:
– Butterfly Pull-ups (or C2B) (There is C2B in tomorrows Metcon)
– Handstand Push-ups
– T2B

For time with a partner:
250 Double Unders
200 Walking Lunges (BW)
150 Abmat Sit-ups
100 Alt. DB Snatches (50, 35) (each arm = 1 rep)
75 T2B
50 Thrusters (95/65)
*One person works at a time.

L3: (40, 25)
L2: (Double Under Attempts) (35, 25) (Knee Raises)
L1: (Single Unders) (30, 15) (Knee Raises)
25:00 Cap